So if needed, schedule some Revit essentials training first, before embarking on a Family Editor course. It is very difficult to dive right into family creation without a good command of the software overall. However, it is important to make sure that whoever is embarking on this learning has a good working knowledge of Revit first. The original post specifically asks about the Revit Family Editor. For me this includes written materials like books and downloadable PDFs, self-paced video training materials and of course live hands-on instructor led training. But what I have tried to do over the years is provide learning tools that appeal to each type of learner and their preferred style of learning.

As you might expect, there is no one right answer to learning Revit or the Family Editor. I agree with each of those, but wanted my reply to be a little longer than a tweet allows. The tweet has already gotten plenty of good responses.

Some colleagues and I were tagged in a tweet recently that asks: